Updates May 2022

Renan Ferreira
Scribo Updates - May 2022

GitHub Sync Integration

When working on a big team, you usually need a powerful versioning control strategy to review future changes before going into production and manage the work on multiple new features or bug fixes.

We created a GitHub Sync integration where you can link your team to a specific GitHub repository for this type of work. In this mode, you will not be able to “Publish” your changes from the Editor. Every change to the main branch will automatically be deployed to your team’s production app. Our GitHub App makes this process that acts like a Continuous Deployment (CD) tool.

Check out the tutorial to learn more

Team Members

Now you can easily invite new members to your team. Go to Scribo’s dashboard and select a team. You will see a new “Members” section where you can invite a new user by their e-mail.

The next time this user logs in or creates a new account, he will already be part of your team.

Global Config Variables

Often you will need to store a configuration value that will be used in multiple pages of your project, like:

  • API Tokens
  • Contact email

To avoid duplication by hardcoding those values when needed, you can now create Config Variables (Environment Variables) and reuse these throughout your pages and components.

Check out the tutorial to learn more


It was often hard to find the place you needed to edit on pages with lots of components. For this, we introduced a new Search option on the editor. With it, you can find components by their properties.

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